[Bf-committers] Blender 2.5 Python API Introduction.

Campbell Barton ideasman42 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 24 21:35:34 CET 2010

"integrate links" - This is mostly for other people to edit for a bit,
I intend to move this into sphinx eventually so wasnt interlinking
types much.
"break in flow" - Agree, I was getting impatient, it was late and I
was thinking of things people might want to know about the python api,
added this as a section but maybe can be done differently.
"context" - This definitely needs more of an explanation but confusing
with selection is not good IMHO.

noticed some people fixed typo's but edits like adding explanation of
context is good too if someone wants to have a go, otherwise I may get
around to this.

@Charles, new panels are always added at the end.
An error popup should show, need to fix this.

On Sun, Jan 24, 2010 at 5:28 PM, Charles Wardlaw
<cwardlaw at marchentertainment.com> wrote:
>> - Renaming section "context" to e.g. "User selection (Context)" might help new users find/understand it faster, as "context" could mean anything if you're not so familiar with the API.
> Hmm... I think that the idea of context is too important to link it to just selection.  It's important to know that it's linked to both the selection and the tool settings, etc.  Also the context isn't the same when the user has moused over a different view.
> It might be nice if there were a slightly longer explanation of how to be aware of context changes and how to deal with it in your python code, but I don't know if that's something to put on the intro page?
> This is a very nice intro, btw.  I did get lost looking for the example panel, but found it eventually.  It might be nice if the example panel were placed before the transform panel in Objects so that the person running the example can find it more quickly if they, like me, don't get what the code is doing on first glance.
> Also it would be nice to have the text editor display some sort of indicator when running scripts that shows the script was run successfully.  Something non-modal; I like that 2.5 blocks much less than 2.4x.
> ~ C
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- Campbell

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