[Bf-committers] Adding Geometry Shaders to the BGE (patch)

Toni Alatalo antont at kyperjokki.fi
Fri Nov 6 22:57:09 CET 2009

Mathias Panzenböck kirjoitti:
>> I was wondering how hard would it be to make an SVG exporter for
>> Blender 3d renders? These 2 tools together with the new .47 Inkscape
> AFAIK there already is a plugin that does this. It was pretty slow and I forgot
> the name, but maybe you can find it on blendernation. Maybe it got faster in the

I think there has been at least two vector renderers, written in Py, 
many years ago.

One was called Sflender or something like that, was/is capable of making 
flash animation files. I think it supported some other vector output 
format too, possibly svg, don't remember. Then there was a more recent 
(2-3 years ago?) vector rendering, a rewrite from scratch 'cause the 
author thought the Sflender code was messy and wasn't fond if the 
proprietary format se perhaps was for svg, I think it was simply called 
'blender vector rendering' or something like that. Blenderartists covers 
both these and probably others if there are some. They are interesting 
and at least good for reflecting this idea.

> 	-panzi


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