[Bf-committers] blenderplayer.exe with option request

patrick patrick at 11h11.com
Thu Dec 11 03:11:33 CET 2008

hi all,

i am trying to add an option to blenderplayer.exe:
-nc (or whatever): no console

i think it's important, starting a game with blenderplayer.exe always open a 
console window. windows users doesn't know what to do with a black screen, 
maybe they will reboot... i am not sure how it's working on mac...

so i've been trying to modify:

but really i don't see where to make a change.

the other solution i found on blender artist and someone told me about it on 
irc, is to change config/win32-vc-config.py:


and recompile blenderplayer.exe - but i don't have win32-vc. i tried to 
cross compile on linux, but it was not working.

anyone can make this happen?

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