[Bf-committers] patch to change the step when changing frame with up or down arrow keys.

raphael dwarf at free.fr
Thu Mar 30 10:49:15 CEST 2006

Hi all,

I posted this message 2 days ago on this list, but i wasn't a member.
I subscribed to the mailing list this morning, so i can post it now.
I hope this message  will not appear twice.

I'm a cg artist and i needed to be able to change the step of the frame 
change with up or down arrow keys. I don't know anything to C, but with
the help of some cool guys on #blendercoder (and a good C book) i added
a new button in the timeline window.

it's very usefull for animation tasks, if you need to fit with the tempo 
of the music. In the timeline window, there's a new slider named 
"steps", so you can specify a new step (from 1 to 100) for the frame change.

Here's a screenshot

As i said, i don't know anything about C or C++, and i probably made
some horrible mistakes. I submited my patch on the patchtracker, and
i 'm posting it here.


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