[Bf-committers] CVS unfreezing schedule

Ton Roosendaal ton at blender.org
Wed Jan 25 18:58:45 CET 2006

Hi all,

Now we got 2.41 out, its time to unfreeze the cvs for new development.
Chris Want will help me next saturday on moving the orange branch over  
to the bf-blender 'head'.

Here's the short version of how we like to do it:

1) blender-2-41 is branched from head
This will give a branch we can always work on to do essential fixes in  
the release

2) merge bf-blender into orange branch
I didn't do this for 2 weeks... might be a painful operation

3) then I copy over orange branch to 'head', and commit that. After  
resolving all conflicts, of course.

As people might have noticed, theres issues in orange with Windows  
building still... like the AVI-Codec lib needs a cleanup. Hope someone  
can look into that, its not a hard fix (see diff for quicktime  
directory to see how I cleaned away global variables).

In order to survive the operation, I'd like to freeze the parts of code  
I work on until saturday, which is only in  
Work on engine or intern/extern libraries can go as usual though.



Ton Roosendaal  Blender Foundation ton at blender.org  

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