[Bf-committers] Google SOC 2006

Ed Halley ed at halley.cc
Sat Apr 15 15:36:29 CEST 2006

Ton Roosendaal wrote:
> My personal recommendations would be;

* A commitment to being responsive to those who want to participate.

* Assigning real authority (not "gotta ask Ton also") to various
   area captains to review and accept patches.

* Laying out real documentation about what areas are likely to be
   totally rewritten from scratch at your whim, thus mooting the
   efforts of any smaller patches people are interested in

* Ton accepting that though the codebase was his, he is now a
   shepherd of a codebase that was bought and paid for by the
   community, and thus he should not be the only authority that
   has a vision for future development.

Blender will mature faster if developers are not disenfranchised
from real and meaningful participation.  Yes, you need a structure
to ensure that the codebase isn't ruined by rampant inconsistent
feature creep, but the past mantras of "gotta ask Ton" and "Ton is
too busy" are not an effective way to manage the project.

There is no distraction of Elephant's Dream now, so perhaps things
will improve since the prior six months in these areas.

[ e d @ h a l l e y . c c ]

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