[Bf-committers] ftblender

Timothy Kanters tkanters at gmail.com
Mon Jan 3 14:55:21 CET 2005

> Apparently nobody tried the search button on blender3d.org :)
> -Ton-

Indeed I hadn't tried that, but! it still only links to the win32
version of ftblender. The tutorial originally did provide the sources,
but it doesn't link to them anymore in this printed version.

Anyways, sources are up at (and they are also on atleast 3 other
places on the xserve (locate ftblender.tgz)):

So if you or anyone of the webcontent team can move it within the CMS,
that would be neat. Also like Alexander said it depends on a old
version of freetype, so perhaps someone has time to rewrite it.
Or perhaps a better method should just be coded into the gameengine! :-)


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