[Bf-committers] Softbody architecture

Ton Roosendaal ton at blender.org
Thu Feb 10 15:29:32 CET 2005


> At least from my user/functionality perspective, something generic  
> like vertex groups would be perfect. The way I see it, the best way is  
> to have something that's reusable in different situations, without  
> having to re-invent the wheel every time some new type of deformation  
> is added.

Problem: vertex groups are not generic, only work for Meshes and are  
designed to work with Armatures... (there's even bone info in it). I  
have big problems with the implementation of the feature (sluggish,  
uses loads of memory).

> I've already whined about this with the hooks - instead of re-using  
> vertex groups, we now have these other 'hook groups' which from a  
> user's perspective do exactly the same thing

Adding hooks to vertex groups is very easy. Just waiting to be coded. :)
I didn't do yet, because I liked to review the vertexgroup first, see  
if this can be made into a real 'generic' system. Benefit of current  
hooks implementation is that it works at least for each object type.

>  (define weighted groups of vertices to be influenced by something),  
> but so slightly inconsistent, and lacking each other's functionality.  
> Not only is it a pain interface wise, having to hunt around for each  
> redundant set of controls, when it could be handled by one nice  
> general panel/group, but it also seems inflexible - the hooks are  
> rather limited because we can't paint our own weights for them like we  
> can for vertex groups. To somewhat counter that, the proportional hook  
> falloff was added. But that might be interesting to use with armatures  
> too wouldn't it? Oh but you can't, that's only for 'hook groups' and  
> not 'vertex groups'. *grumble grumble*

I also hope to make vertexgroups as an extension, only for more precise  
control. Setting up rigs and deform groups is a horrible tedious task,  
can be done much more elegant! Other 3d progs are also moving to that  
direction... numerous papers on the topic are popping up.

> In my dream world, there would be one consistent system of vertex  
> groups, available in every object type, which define influence from  
> armatures, hooks, soft bodies, curve deform, lattices, constraints,  
> whatever. For anything that deforms or influences things, we should be  
> able to define the area of that influence through the one standard  
> system.
> Well, I can dream, can't I? :)

Yep, and I'll try to code it! :)
This is an unsolved technical design issue yet, needs to sink in...


> Matt
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Ton Roosendaal  Blender Foundation ton at blender.org  

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