[Bf-committers] using checksum instead of bundling images for regression tests

Anders Nilsson bf-committers@blender.org
22 May 2004 21:12:29 +0200

And unless it's the png-lib that is tested, perhaps this should be done
before compressing the picture, working in the higher quality buffer.
Maybe all small errors are masked by using PNG (in which case checksums
are ok) but this sounds a bit unlikely.

Anders Nilsson (breakin)

On Sat, 2004-05-22 at 21:07, Anders Nilsson wrote:
> I think checksums sound a bit naive considering small differences in
> FPU's due to different compilers settings etc. Another alternative might
> be to compare the rendered picture to the reference picture, pixel by
> pixel, calculating the error. Then within a threshold the picture would
> be OK. Once could keep track of maximum error, sum of errors etc. This
> is very easy/fast to do, only problem is that ref-pic must be included.
> This would also catch problems that's not visible (like pic1 is brighter
> than pic2 but otherwise they look ok, people might not notice).
> Don't know if this voids the purpose of the checksum but it might work
> to certain extents. Also rendering quality might change slightly from
> release to release due to different things, rendering code must be
> allowed to improve slightly quality-wise. This is not a problem if the
> reference picture was generated once per release though.
> Anders Nilsson (breakin)
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