[Bf-committers] IRC meeting minutes, may 16, 2004

car bf-committers@blender.org
Tue, 18 May 2004 10:36:42 -0400

What about Tuhopuus other Loop cutting edge creation tools? Can you get 
a copy to test ? These mesh editing tools are really something that 
would further help the mesh skills of Blender BF builds.

Also, Hos's auto armature and draw types are really nice.

On May 18, 2004, at 10:18 AM, Ton Roosendaal wrote:

> 4. 2.34 projects
> - Transform() recode: Theeth is quite busy with job & summer course, 
> but will check what he can whip up soon
> - Blendix works with Bjornmoose on new UV unwrapping magic. Might be 
> fit for 2.34 release
> - Leon's work on particle deflectors could be release target too. He 
> still should get someone assisting on code (review) and integrating it 
> in blender
> - The SubSurf creases patch still needs revision on 'correctness' or 
> compatibility with standards for creasing. Also issue is finding good 
> method to expand Blender meshes with edge info.
> - Render code is being revised still. Now OSA (anti-aliasing) is being 
> tackled.
> - Nathan showed early work on support for Blender to connect to SQL 
> (server) to exchange and store 3d data. This based on binary (+DNA) 
> blender data & structure.