[Bf-committers] Feature Request: Folders as Script menus roups

Bart bf-committers@blender.org
Fri, 25 Jun 2004 09:45:50 +0200

That's a good way, flexible file structure and given menu structure.

Juan J. Pena Mena wrote:

>>>>thats great but means a lot of files in the script folder.
>>>>For a better overview etc. it would nice if there would be folders named
>>>>as script menus.
> My 2 cents:
> Would it be too hard to code it so that Blender scans the scripts folder
> and all its sub-directories (or until a fixed sub-directory deepness is
> reached)?
> So, regardless of where inside the main scripts directory a plug-in is
> saved, it shows in the right menu (taken straight from the plug-in
> header).
> That way each user could arrange and re-arrange the directories in
> whatever fashion he desires, but the plugs will still show in the right
> menu.
> Usually I have to answer questions from Blender newbies about how to
> ¨install¨ a plug-in, and many times they have trouble just locating the
> scripts directory. Imagine how would it be if they have to locate a very
> specific sub-directory withing the ¨Scripts¨ hierarchy.
> Apollux.
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| (O)(O)        Bart.
C      _)       bart@neeneenee.de
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