[Bf-committers] DOF camera parameters.

Alexander Ewering bf-committers@blender.org
Thu, 10 Jun 2004 13:37:28 +0200 (CEST)

On Thu, 10 Jun 2004, Alejandro Conty Estevez wrote:

> I have removed filtering from yafray due to the new memory efficient
> bucket render method. And to my surprise, some users have complained
> because our depth of field filter (zblur) was useful for them.
> Some people like Anexus said that despite being a fake, it gives nice 
> results very fast. 
> For that reason I have proposed to move it to blender, as some kind of
> filter somewhere. Does that make sense? I'm just commenting it in case
> it is relevant for this discussion.

Well, personally, I don't care what filter gets used in Blender, as I
mostly use my own tree anyway. I just offered the implementation I
have already done, especially the autofocus/focus lag stuff. (Focus lag
= the delay the rotation of the focus motor creates when focussing the

| alexander ewering               instinctive new media
| ae[@]instinctive[.]de   http://www[.]instinctive[.]de