[Bf-committers] And the nominees are...

Ton Roosendaal bf-committers@blender.org
Wed, 29 Oct 2003 10:46:10 +0100


- Alexander Ewering
   Audio in sequencer, Mesh Undo, Recursive Environment maps
- Jiri Hnidek
   Improved MetaBall modeling
- Matt Ebb
   Design (artwork) and implementation of new pulldown menus and buttons
- Rob Haarsma
   Mousewheel support, Quicktime/Avi Codecs video support
- The Python Team: Willian, Michel, Guignot
   Complete rewrite and stabilizing Python API

Consider not being nomiminated not as a fact your didn't do work we  
appreciate. Consider being nominated or even winning the Suzanne as  
celebration of the joint efforts we did the past year!

Everyone who attends conference will get a voting ballot. I have asked  
the ladies who do catering/shop/doorwatch to do the counting. They've  
got no idea what the names are, and even I won't know who wins until  
the envelope opens. :P


Ton Roosendaal  Blender Foundation ton@blender.org  