Python Modules (was: Re: [Bf-committers] Meeting report, sun april 13)

Douglas Bischoff
Tue, 15 Apr 2003 09:54:07 -0400

On Tuesday, April 15, 2003, at 07:02 AM, Ton Roosendaal wrote:

> --> Python
> Work still in progress (IanWill) on replacing the code and modules. 
> IanWill should get commit rights at the bf-blender tree. Has been done 
> now.

Just a note on this. There were unresolved issues with OS X Python, and 
I am hopeful that this new work will address them as well and not cause 
NEW issues.

If any help is needed in testing OS X compliance I am more than happy 
to do so. My fear is that the same "broken" parts of the OS X linker 
will hamstring Python even further if it goes MORE in the direction 
that is currently not working, instead of away.

Thanks for reading,
