[Bf-committers] Mac OS X status

Charles Wardlaw bf-committers@blender.org
Sun, 22 Dec 2002 07:17:21 -0800 (PST)


I've had a hell of a lot of problems with shared libs on OS X.  For
one, I think the .dynlib files are in a different format entirely from
the .so's, making me wonder if the .so's can be used at all in GUI

The short answer is to see if you can recompile mxTextTools into a
static .a lib and just link that in.  The long answer... is there a
python .framework bundle under OS X 10.2?  (I'd check, but I'm away
from my mac for a few more days ^.^).

Quick question: are we only going to support the july developer tools
(PB2.0.1, gcc3+) under 10.2, or are we also planning on supporting the
older tools under 10.1?  Will the removals you've made and the changing
of the python references to /usr/local still work under 10.1?

However, if we're just expecting that developers are using 10.2 and the
july tools, then the above is moot I suppose.

- Charles