[Bf-committers] comments

Peter Amstutz bf-committers@blender.org
Sun, 1 Dec 2002 05:48:22 -0500 (EST)

Hash: SHA1

First, I'd like to say that it's great to finally be seeing some progress
towards making Blender a full fledged open source project.  That said, I
have a few comments and questions:

* I noticed that the 'configure' script is included in CVS.  In general,
I've found that it's bad to store anything that can be autogenerated in
CVS, since it tends to change a lot, so it wastes a lot of repository
space (and "configure" is huuuge!); also users who are using CVS checkouts
are usually by definition savvy hackers who can deal with little things
like automake and autoconf :-)

* Is this the main development mailing list?  Right now I'm still very
confused as to where the locus of Blender development is, and how one
should stay up-to-the-minute on the status of Blender.  I want to extend
Blender to use it as an editor for multi-user Virtual Reality worlds
(http://interreality.org), but before I can do that I need to figure out
where the developer community is (people who are actually working on
Blender, and not just talking about it).

* I'm trying to build the autoconf scripts and keep getting:
configure.ac: 145: macro `AM_PATH_PYTHON' not found in library
  is this harmless?

* I'm getting the following error when I try to compile, after running
configure (I did rebuild the autoconf scripts which may be my problem):

$ make
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/tetron/hack/blender'
cd . && /bin/sh /home/tetron/hack/blender/missing --run autoheader
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/tetron/hack/blender'
cd . \
     /bin/sh ./config.status config.status: creating [config.h]
config.status: creating [config.h]
config.status: error: cannot find input file: [config.h].in
make: *** [stamp-h1] Error 1

I'll look into this more later (I'm about to go to sleep).  I've done a
fair bit of autohacking on other projects so it shouldn't be too hard to
figure out..
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