[Bf-blender-cvs] [b268256] gooseberry: Implemented caps for the convex hair bundle hulls.

Lukas Tönne noreply at git.blender.org
Fri Jan 23 16:13:45 CET 2015

Commit: b26825646bbbad7dee5a9c111b27a358b81a39cf
Author: Lukas Tönne
Date:   Fri Jan 23 16:10:32 2015 +0100
Branches: gooseberry

Implemented caps for the convex hair bundle hulls.

The current algorithm generates a triangle strip to fill the end of
each child bundle. This is not quite ideal, because even though the
base child groups are constructed to be convex, the resulting child
paths can become concave again by clumping, roughness, hair dynamics
etc.. This can create face inversion as well as ugly shading artifacts,
so a nicer algorithm may be desirable.


M	source/blender/editors/space_view3d/drawobject.c


diff --git a/source/blender/editors/space_view3d/drawobject.c b/source/blender/editors/space_view3d/drawobject.c
index 8bea530..9add328 100644
--- a/source/blender/editors/space_view3d/drawobject.c
+++ b/source/blender/editors/space_view3d/drawobject.c
@@ -4524,11 +4524,119 @@ static void draw_particle_hull_section(ParticleCacheKey *path, ParticleCacheKey
+static void draw_particle_hull_cap(ParticleCacheKey *a0, ParticleCacheKey *a1, ParticleCacheKey *a2, ParticleCacheKey *a3,
+                                   ParticleCacheKey *b0, ParticleCacheKey *b1, ParticleCacheKey *b2, ParticleCacheKey *b3)
+	float *ca[4], *cb[4];
+	float na[4][3], nb[4][3];
+	if (a1 == b1) {
+		ca[1] = cb[1] = a1[a1->segments].co;
+		ca[2] = a2[a2->segments].co;
+		cb[2] = b2[b2->segments].co;
+		ca[3] = a3[a3->segments].co;
+		cb[3] = b3[b3->segments].co;
+		normal_tri_v3(na[1], ca[1], cb[2], ca[2]);
+		normal_quad_v3(na[2], ca[2], ca[1], cb[2], ca[3]);
+		normal_quad_v3(nb[2], cb[2], cb[3], ca[2], cb[1]);
+		glNormal3fv(na[2]);
+		glVertex3fv(ca[2]);
+		glNormal3fv(na[1]);
+		glVertex3fv(ca[1]);
+		glNormal3fv(nb[2]);
+		glVertex3fv(cb[2]);
+	}
+	else if (a2 == b2) {
+		ca[0] = a0[a0->segments].co;
+		cb[0] = b0[b0->segments].co;
+		ca[1] = a1[a1->segments].co;
+		cb[1] = b1[b1->segments].co;
+		ca[2] = cb[2] = a2[a2->segments].co;
+		normal_quad_v3(na[1], ca[1], ca[0], cb[1], ca[2]);
+		normal_quad_v3(nb[1], cb[1], cb[2], ca[1], cb[0]);
+		normal_tri_v3(na[2], ca[2], ca[1], cb[1]);
+		glNormal3fv(na[1]);
+		glVertex3fv(ca[1]);
+		glNormal3fv(nb[1]);
+		glVertex3fv(cb[1]);
+		glNormal3fv(nb[2]);
+		glVertex3fv(cb[2]);
+	}
+	else {
+		ca[0] = a0[a0->segments].co;
+		cb[0] = b0[b0->segments].co;
+		ca[1] = a1[a1->segments].co;
+		cb[1] = b1[b1->segments].co;
+		ca[2] = a2[a2->segments].co;
+		cb[2] = b2[b2->segments].co;
+		ca[3] = a3[a3->segments].co;
+		cb[3] = b3[b3->segments].co;
+		normal_quad_v3(na[1], ca[1], ca[0], cb[1], ca[2]);
+		normal_quad_v3(na[2], ca[2], ca[1], cb[2], ca[3]);
+		normal_quad_v3(nb[1], cb[1], cb[2], ca[1], cb[0]);
+		normal_quad_v3(nb[2], cb[2], cb[3], ca[2], cb[1]);
+		glNormal3fv(na[1]);
+		glVertex3fv(ca[1]);
+		glNormal3fv(nb[1]);
+		glVertex3fv(cb[1]);
+		glNormal3fv(nb[2]);
+		glVertex3fv(cb[2]);
+		glNormal3fv(na[2]);
+		glVertex3fv(ca[2]);
+		glNormal3fv(na[1]);
+		glVertex3fv(ca[1]);
+		glNormal3fv(nb[2]);
+		glVertex3fv(cb[2]);
+	}
 BLI_INLINE bool particle_path_valid(ParticleCacheKey **cache, int p)
 	return (cache[p]->segments >= 0 && cache[p]->hull_parent >= 0);
+BLI_INLINE int particle_path_next(ParticleCacheKey **cache, int pmax, int p)
+	do {
+		++p;
+		if (p >= pmax)
+			break;
+		if (particle_path_valid(cache, p))
+			break;
+	} while (true);
+	return p;
+BLI_INLINE int particle_path_prev(ParticleCacheKey **cache, int pmin, int p)
+	do {
+		--p;
+		if (p < pmin)
+			break;
+		if (particle_path_valid(cache, p))
+			break;
+	} while (true);
+	return p;
 static void draw_particle_hair_hull(Scene *UNUSED(scene), View3D *v3d, RegionView3D *rv3d,
                                     Base *base, ParticleSystem *psys,
                                     const char UNUSED(ob_dt), const short UNUSED(dflag))
@@ -4546,36 +4654,6 @@ static void draw_particle_hair_hull(Scene *UNUSED(scene), View3D *v3d, RegionVie
 		totchild = psys->totchild * part->disp / 100;
-	/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
-	/* macros for iterating over pairs of connected child paths */
-#define FOREACH_PATH_PAIR_BEGIN(pstart, curpath, nextpath) \
-	{ \
-		const int parent = cache[(pstart)]->hull_parent; \
-		int p, prev = (pstart); \
-		for (p = (pstart)+1; p < totchild; ++p) { \
-			if (particle_path_valid(cache, p)) { \
-				ParticleCacheKey *curpath, *nextpath; \
-				bool last = false; \
-				if (cache[p]->hull_parent == parent) { \
-					curpath = cache[prev]; \
-					nextpath = cache[p]; \
-				} \
-				else { \
-					curpath = cache[prev]; \
-					nextpath = cache[(pstart)]; /* close the loop */ \
-					last = true; /* break after this one */ \
-				}
-#define FOREACH_PATH_PAIR_END(npstart) \
-				if (last) \
-					break; \
-				prev = p; \
-			} \
-		} \
-		(npstart) = p; /* advance outer loop to the next valid path */ \
-	}
-	/* --------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 	if (v3d->zbuf)
@@ -4595,9 +4673,85 @@ static void draw_particle_hair_hull(Scene *UNUSED(scene), View3D *v3d, RegionVie
 		pstart = 0;
 		while (pstart < totchild) {
-			FOREACH_PATH_PAIR_BEGIN(pstart, path, npath) {
-				draw_particle_hull_section(path, npath);
+			int p = pstart;
+			int np = particle_path_next(cache, totchild, p);
+			while (np < totchild && cache[np]->hull_parent == cache[pstart]->hull_parent) {
+				draw_particle_hull_section(cache[p], cache[np]);
+				p = np;
+				np = particle_path_next(cache, totchild, np);
+			}
+			if (p > pstart + 1)
+				draw_particle_hull_section(cache[p], cache[pstart]);
+			pstart = np;
+		}
+		glEnd();
+		glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
+		pstart = 0;
+		while (pstart < totchild) {
+			int groupend;
+			{
+				int p = particle_path_next(cache, totchild, pstart);
+				while (p < totchild && cache[p]->hull_parent == cache[pstart]->hull_parent) {
+					p = particle_path_next(cache, totchild, p);
+				}
+				groupend = p;
+			}
+			{
+				int a[4], b[4];
+				#define NEXT \
+				a[3] = a[2]; \
+				b[3] = b[2]; \
+				a[2] = a[1]; \
+				b[2] = b[1]; \
+				a[1] = a[0]; \
+				b[1] = b[0]; \
+				a[0] = particle_path_next(cache, groupend, a[0]); \
+				b[0] = particle_path_prev(cache, pstart, b[0]);
+				a[3] = pstart - 1;
+				b[3] = particle_path_prev(cache, pstart, groupend) + 1;
+				a[2] = particle_path_next(cache, groupend, a[3]);
+				b[2] = particle_path_prev(cache, pstart, b[3]);
+				a[1] = particle_path_next(cache, groupend, a[2]);
+				b[1] = particle_path_prev(cache, pstart, b[2]);
+				a[0] = particle_path_next(cache, groupend, a[1]);
+				b[0] = particle_path_prev(cache, pstart, b[1]);
+				/* first element */
+				if (a[1] <= b[1]) {
+					if (a[0] <= b[0])
+						draw_particle_hull_cap(cache[a[0]], cache[a[1]], cache[a[2]], cache[a[2]],
+						                       cache[b[0]], cache[b[1]], cache[b[2]], cache[b[2]]);
+					else
+						draw_particle_hull_cap(cache[a[1]], cache[a[1]], cache[a[2]], cache[a[2]],
+						                       cache[b[1]], cache[b[1]], cache[b[2]], cache[b[2]]);
+				}
+				NEXT
+				while (true) {
+					if (a[1] <= b[1]) {
+						if (a[0] <= b[0])
+							draw_particle_hull_cap(cache[a[0]], cache[a[1]], cache[a[2]], cache[a[3]],
+							                       cache[b[0]], cache[b[1]], cache[b[2]], cache[b[3]]);
+						else
+							draw_particle_hull_cap(cache[a[1]], cache[a[1]], cache[a[2]], cache[a[3]],
+							                       cache[b[1]], cache[b[1]], cache[b[2]], cache[b[3]]);
+					}
+					else
+						break;
+					NEXT
+				}
+				#undef NEXT
+			}
+			pstart = groupend;

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